Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Rosell Seeks 16 Team Premier League

Barcelona president Sandro Rosell says the Premier League needs to be cut by four teams to help the Champions League.

Rosell, who is also vice president of the European Club Association (ECA), wants to play European games at weekends and to cut down on international fixtures.

"We have to convince the Premier League to reduce to 16 [teams]," he said.

"We could perhaps play Barcelona versus Manchester United on Saturdays."

Rosell says such scheduling cannot happen while the leagues in England, Spain and Italy continue to have 20 clubs.

"It's something all of them (the domestic leagues) would have to agree to," he said.

"The objective of reducing from 20 to 16 teams is to give more space to our players.

"Then, once the dates are liberated, these dates are not for the (national) federations.

"The dates are for the clubs to organise friendly games or to increase the European competitions."

Speaking at conference in Doha, Qatar, Rosell warned Uefa the ECA may not extend their agreement when it expires in 2014.

He remains hopeful of working alongside the European governing body, but warned a split could happen if an agreement is not reached.

"We want to have the Champions League under the Uefa umbrella but we want them to hear our demands," Rosell said.

"If Uefa and the ECA reach an agreement then that's good for both parties.

"If not, with or without the Uefa umbrella, the ECA is entitled to organise their own champions' competition by themselves of course.

"We are not trying to eliminate dates for national teams - but the number of days our players are used by the national associations is huge."

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