Monday, 6 June 2011

Kissinger and Domingo Duet for Blatter

Blatter listens to Placido Domingo

Sepp Blatter has announced that Spanish opera singer Placido Domingo is his choice to advise FIFA on their problems.

Domingo will join 88-year-old former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger and ex-Holland international Johann Cruyff as FIFA's advisers.

Blatter told CNN: "These gentlemen are more or less advisers, they are not the experts but advisers.

They should be a kind of 'council of wisdom' which my executive committee would not like because they think they are the council of wisdom!

'I have also contacted the Spanish singer... Placido Domingo - he is happy, he is proud that he is part, and Kissinger also. People say he is an old man, but he is a wise man.'

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