Skipper Ken Read has called on race management at Volvo Ocean Race 2011-12 to increase their team of on-water officials after an umpire he claims was unsighted, slapped a penalty that cost PUMA the in port race.
An incident during the Abu Dhabi in port race on Friday saw Read’s PUMA finish in fourth place but the penalty, that forced them to complete a 360 degree circle, dropped them down to last place.
According to reports from the start, PUMA rolled over the top of Telefonica and went into a gybe onto port. Telefonica altered course and promptly raised their flag with protest that was upheld by the umpires.
“Telefonica faked out the umpires,” argued the American skipper.
“Our beef is that a judge in the wrong place should not a call like that and our video shows the judges never saw the distance between the boats.
“Its unfair for us and for Telefonica to have a race decided on a call that is not correct. It cost us the race 100%. Nobody does a circle in that race and comes back from it and it was a miracle we got ahead of Telefonica. Maybe that was fate.”
Read said he had sent a letter to Volvo Ocean Race management asking for the number of on water umpires to be doubled.
“We sent a note to the authorities saying that if we sail these downwind starts in such tight quarters, there needs to be twice as many umpire boats because the umpires cannot be in the right position.”
“The circumstances dictate a change in strategy so lets up the number of judges. Being a judge with aggressive sailors is a difficult job but aggressive sailors know how to fake out the judges and Telefonica did a very good job.”
Volvo race director Jack Lloyd confirmed the issue was under discussion with procedures constantly being reviewed