
Monday, 12 September 2011

FAI Find Against Roddy Collins

The FAI’s Independent Appeal Committee today issued its decision on the Appeal taken by Mr Roddy Collins against the FAI Independent Disciplinary Committee which found him in breach of FAI rule 94, Disparaging Comments. 

The Appeal Committee found that Mr Collins made unsubstantiated allegations which questioned the integrity of the FAI and its management and were disparaging of the organisation. The Appeal Committee found that Mr Collins was subject to FAI rules and rejected his submissions in relation to procedures and jurisdiction of the hearing. 

The charge was originally heard by the FAI’s Disciplinary Committee following a discussion involving Mr Collins on RTE Radio 1 during which he made comments in relation to the disclosure of FAI accounts. The FAI discloses its annual accounts to its Members in compliance with FAI rules and Irish Company law and these are publicly available from the Companies Registration Office. 

The Football Association of Ireland takes this opportunity to refute recently published comments about this case which suggest that it was an attack on freedom of expression. This was simply a Sports Disciplinary hearing taken in relation to a breach of rules. The expression of unsubstantiated allegations and disparaging comments made by a person bound by its rules left the Association with no alternative but to take action to protect the reputation of the sport in general. 

The Appeal Committee noted that Mr Collins may lodge an appeal for Arbitration in respect of today’s decision.

September 12th 2011